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From Knots to Butterflies

11 hours  |  6 months  |  $2222  |  phone or video chat  

In this intimate container, we’ll work one-on-one together through my signature five-step program that encourages your emergence into the person you were born to be.


Want to see if it's right for you?

Do you feel like you’re coasting through life, a shell of who you could be?


Do you know you could be showing up as a better friend, spouse, parent, or colleague — but you aren’t sure how to tap into that potential?



Do you feel stagnant, like you’re missing out on meaningful experiences and relationships?


My friend,

You were meant for so much more.



Believe me:

You deserve the satisfaction that comes when

you know, love, and trust yourself.



You deserve to express yourself boldly,

and be appreciated for who you are.



You deserve to be well-equipped to deal with

any hard emotions that come up,

knowing how to give yourself exactly the care you need.



You deserve to feel flutters of excitement

about what you’re creating with your life

— every single day.



All of this, and more, is available to you.


Welcome to

From Knots to Butterflies



A 6 month private coaching container designed to help you live on purpose.



Book your FREE JUMPSTART consultation now

The support of an encouraging, compassionate coach (that’s me!) can be so helpful. It provides the encouragement you need to understand who you are and what you want — then confidently create it.



Because after all — have you ever met a successful, happy person who didn’t truly know themselves? Who cared more about others’ opinions than what was right for them?



You have the potential to be this kind of joyful and ambitious person, too: someone others look up to as an inspiring role model.


In this six-month, one-on-one coaching program, I walk with you, side by side, as you emerge into the person you were born to be:


brave, delighted, and sure of yourself. 



I’ll help you know exactly what makes you feel grounded and certain, so you can confidently make decisions.



I’ll help you create clarity and a sense of direction, so you can stop second-guessing yourself.



And I’ll teach you the strategies for gaining control of your time, so you can choose how you spend your days — and enjoy every moment.




Because, listen, I get it:



You might be wondering, how the heck will I find the energy to change my whole life when just getting out of bed feels like a chore? Even doing the bare minimum takes monumental effort!



Not to worry. A big part of our work together will be tapping into greater reserves of your energy and motivation, so that you can take back your time, feel organized, and productively pursue what lights you up.



I created this in-depth, five-step process for people just like you: overwhelmed and anxious — but certain you were meant for a life that feels good.



So that instead of worrying too much about what others think of you, and seeking their approval or permission — you can shed that weight, feel lighter, and stand proudly in who you are.



Instead of waking up feeling nervous about the day, worried that you’ll be blindsided by stress — you can throw off the covers, knowing that you’re richly resourced to greet anything that comes your way.



Instead of drifting through the day, scrolling on your phone and feeling listless — you can commit to habits that keep your mind clear and your body healthy.



Instead of feeling tired, unmotivated, and lethargic — you can sleep well, laugh often, and radiate happiness.



In the new season of life we’re building together, those flickers of excitement won’t be a rare occurrence. They’ll be your new normal.

Here's what our six months together will look like...

Phase One:

Dreams & Inspiration

We’ll start our work together by understanding what’s already working well in your life, and creating clarity on what you’d like to have more of. I’ll guide you through the process of creating a vision for the person you want to be and the life you want to live.

Phase Two:

Strengths & Self-Worth

Next, we’ll discover what your innate and natural strengths are! Together, we’ll figure out what makes you feel energized, fulfilled, and in your power — and then you’ll learn how to develop and leverage those gifts to create lasting success.

Phase Three:

Mind-Body Connection

This is where I teach you strategies to listen to the messages of your body. We practice mindful body awareness so that you can learn your patterns and use them to guide your decision making. You will develop your intuition and learn tools to calm your nervous system and naviagte your emotions.

Phase Four:

Emotional Regulation

Here’s where the rubber meets the road! It’s time to take all the new skills and resources you’ve acquired, and put them into action. In each session we create a concrete, step-by-step plan for achieving what you want — and instead of overwhelming, it’s going to feel manageable and invigorating.

Phase Five:

Upgrading    old patterns

 Your thoughts, actions, and reactions are what create your experiences — so let’s learn how to harness them and make them work for you. By replacing negative thinking and self-doubt with empowered thoughts and actions, we’ll optimize your efficiency and tap into your deepest sense of well-being.

And here's what you'll receive from our time together:

🦋 11 hours of private coaching with me, either by phone or video chat (whichever you prefer!)


🦋 Unlimited access to me via email and text


🦋 Ongoing Enrichment Activities, readings, and resources to support you on your path and promote further personal growth


🦋 Typed Recap Reports that detail the highlights of each session, for you to keep for your records


🦋 A clear understanding of your Top 5 Strengths, including a detailed report of how they present in you and what you can do to develop them even further


🦋 Customized image reminders for you to keep on your phone, to inspire you to stay on top of what you’re learning


🦋 Ongoing, online support for making mindfulness a part of your daily routine

🦋 And ultimately, more fulfilling life — one defined by the confidence to make the decisions that are right for you, and the deep satisfaction of knowing what you want and how to achieve it!


No more hiding. No more excuses. No more waiting.



It’s time to gain control of your time, your thoughts, and your energy.



It’s time to step into who you truly are, unapologetically, and walk your talk.


It’s time to live on purpose.

  Have any questions

 Shoot me an email. Let's connect! 

Thanks for reaching out! I’ll get back to you shortly.

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© 2022 by Christianne Zurowski

'Become Authentically YOU' at any stage in life

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